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Code of Ethics

As a training center based and operating in France, holden formations has signed the Acteurs de la Compétence's Code of Ethics.

This means that holden formations upholds core values such as transparency, loyalty and professional ethics to develop and promote quality training programs.

The 10 key engagements are:

1) To be Qualiopi Certified,

2) To own offered certifications or be an approved partner of certifying renters,

3) To promote and communicate fairly, not using misleading information nor breaking graphic and partnership charters of partners,

4) To control our subcontractor network,

5) To respect and protect our prospects' and students' information,

6) To be transparent on fees and costs,

7) To advertise fairly on Mon Compte Formation,

8) To evaluate students prior to the start of the program,

9) To follow, guide and evaluate students' progress in online and/or blended-learning programs,

10) To offer customer service and litigation counselling to all students.

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